The dish what leaks!!!!
Things are a little quite around here this week. Granny is having huffing and puffing with asthma, so I have been giving her cuddles and trying to look after her.
Granny said it was a good time for a true story.
Now this happened when Granny's mother was a girl, so it was nearly before dinosaurs.
Granny said:.......
"My mum"s name was Doreen. She was the eldest in the family and helped care for the little ones, she had twin sisters a few years younger than her and two brothers younger still. They lived on a farm out of the town, so the only transport was a horse and Sulky.
It was getting near her mothers birthday, so Doreen, saddled up the horse and Sulky and took her twin sisters into town to buy their mum a present.
Now this tiny little town had one shop that sold everything, from petrol to bolts and screw drivers, to chook feed, to fruit and veg, groceries, magazines and every thing you could possibly think of. One side of the shop there was a little room that had some nice pretty things in. Like; cups and saucers, glasses, a few dishes and I think some cottons and scissors .I remember the floor boards were wooden and very worn. When you walked in that little room they squeaked and were very dusty.
In that room the 3 girls found this dish, just the right present for their mother.
It was very pretty and Doreen thought it would be a lovely fruit bowl.
It was carefully wrapped in brown paper and string put around it, then they paid for it and carefully placed in the Sulky. Doreen told the twins, it was a secret and they were not aloud to tell their mum what her birthday present was.
They drove home in the Sulky and as soon as the twins went running in the door to their Mum, they blurted out. "Mum, we have bought you a dish what leaks. From that moment on this dish that has been handed down to me, which must be about 90 years old has always been known as the dish what leaks."
I do love that story and I guess Granny's children and me will still tell that story for years to come. When I dust it I have to be very careful, because it is one of Granny's treasures.
I did get out this little cup and saucer to have a look at when I was dusting the dish. It is very cute, but a boy bear really needs a mug.
I think I will go and make Granny a cup of tea and we can share toast peanut butter and honey. That would make any one better.
See you all next week.
This is a rose from Granny's garden for our two new followers and all my regular readers.
Welcome Tatyana.
Tatynan make wonderful Bears and Elephants I'm sure you would like to take a look at
Welcome to Marina Nostromo
Marina has amazing work of the finest cross stitch which is a Christmas theme.
Very beautiful.
You will find her at
My thought for the week.
" The only one who can make a success of loafing, is a baker."