Granny and I went to the play ground this morning and we were so surprised when we could hear sobbing coming from one of the little cubby houses. We went over to see what it was and there sitting in the door way was a little black golly. I felt so, so sorry for that little chap, and asked him his name. All we heard was sob, sob, sniff, sniff. Wedried his eyes and I put my arms around him, and told him not to worryI would be his friend, and we would try and find his Mom.
Granny got on her phone and no luck at all. So we said to the golly ( because we didn't know his name) "would you like to play .".
We went to the swings, He was all upset so I let him sit on my lap to have a swing.
Hang on tight Golly, Granny will wizz us."Only go slowly Granny I don't want him frightened."

This rocky horse was better not so scary.
Granny was watching from the bench and her heart took a leap when Golly got up on the fort first, and was reaching down to give me a help up.
We sat up there talking for ages, he was telling me how sad he was because he knew he was left at the playground because no body wanted him. I was telling him about where I lived and about my snugly bead, and my toast and peanut butter. Golly said because he was black the thing he liked on toast was Vegemite.
He told me he was very hungry.
Then I ran over to Granny and asked if he could come and live with us. I said I didn't mind if we had to share a bed. I just couldn't let Golly sleep outside one more night.
Granny said Yes.
So I went over to a tree and sat down and told Golly to climb up on my back and I would give him a piggy back all the way home. I had Peanut paste on toast and Golly had vegemite on toast. I will show you another day. We just want to go to bed and talk.
See you all next week.
Big Surprises in a post package.
Thank you so much Marie Christine from One Toe Bears.
I was the very, very lucky winner of her valentine Give Away.
We opened that parcel and what do you think we found?
The most darling little bear with a big pink heart saying he loved us.
Tears were flowing down Granny's face. We quickly got him out of that box he had to travel all over the sea in. All the way from Holland.
When we got him out guess what there was more. Lovely luscious raspberry mohair and some ultra suede,
That's not all there is MORE a beautiful necklace with the Eiffel tower on and a charm.
Granny could not believe how lucky we were.
Thank you so much Marie-Christine.xxxxxx big Hugs from Australia.
Elvena Sviridor we do hope you enjoy visiting us, and following our adventures.
Elvena has a lovely blog with some great Teddy Bears on have a look.
We always love having more friends.
My thought for the week:
"Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing who to thank."