My plane ticket has arrived.
I am very happy I have one plane ticket in my hot little paw.

What is that plane ticket saying ... No very large luggage allowed. Drats and cats tails!!! what am I going to do. I thought I had the case thing sorted.
Well because we have lots of sizes of cases I will have to go down to the next one.
What does one hand luggage mean? One BIG one, or Medium, or if Granny has a say a little one.
She was so stroppy because she couldn't find her black tights, that I had to hold the case on the wheels, I had to confess. I took them. It has been a trying week.
Da Da...
It is 11 sleeps before I am there in that happy place "Camp Good Bear".
Us bearcelors need to get there a day early so we are all organized to welcome all the other bears and help them settle in.
Any bears reading this, I am just letting you know we are going to have the best time ever.
I will be waiting for you.
Last weekend Granny went to her "Bears and Friends" meeting. The theme for this meeting was to bring your favorite bear. Well because I haven't been in the good books lately I thought I might have been left behind.
Granny swooped my up in her arms and said she couldn't bear.... to take any one else.
Ahhhh swooon... looovey cuddles... Granny loves me.
Here are some pictures of other peoples Favorited bears.
These were supposed to be space men.
Hmmm.. some nice bears here, but of course not as nice as me..(It wasn't me that said that)
Wow this bear must be special, he has a portrate of himself. I think I need to get Granny to paint me.
Talk about old girls, they look as old as Granny.
Awwww I love that brown bear. I might make eyes to her.
Now this girl looks as though she could give heaps of love
A lovely Panda and a little pretty girl.
Well I have to tell you Granny was saying words that I don't understand when she switched the computer on for me. It didn't work. She is so glad she has a son in law that was on the other end of the phone and hey presto. It got fixed.
That is enough excitement for one day. I am going to bed with my ticket under my pillow so I don't loose it.
Warm milk with toast, peanut butter and honey, warms my tummy and makes me feel good.
See you all next week.
Welcome to Gabby. at
Gabby has lovely photos of her home and garden.
Welcome to Mariette. at
She has a lovely home they have done up. What a clever husband.
My thought for the week.
"The early bird gets the worm
but the second mouse gets the cheese."