Hi, Granny it's Wilbur...
I'm still here Granny and I am having a ball. We have had the best camp fires, and told lots of spooky stories at night. The girls get a bit frightened, but we soon tell them it is just a story and we all fall about laughing.
I'm sending pictures of our Damper on a Stick bonfire.
Prudence loved the warmth of the fire on her paws. I told her she needed to sit by me to help me stir the dough.
Of course I had to show them how it was made. I got a big bowl and put SR. flour, a tiny bit of oil and water. Then I did the bushy thing like we do in the Aussie land and got a stick to stir it with. Well you should have heard the shouts from the girl. (Oh no you must have a spoon, it will be too dirty, it will make it taste terrible.) They just don't get bush cooked food.( Although they did when we ate it. )
Right. oh, next we make it into a round by patting it out with our paws, next we wrap it around a stick, like this...
Can you see I'm telling them how far away from the flames to hold it? Then turn it every now and again, when you remember.
See that bear in the red coat he we watching a bee to see if he could find the honey. The little pink bear was warming her paws.
We were thinking all the time what do we want inside the damper... some said peanut butter, some said Jam, I made them laugh and said I am having kangaroo tail in mine it is just the right size. The girls were rolling around saying YUK.
Guess what we did have????
Honey of course. We took the damper off the stick when it was cooked and poured honey down the hole.

YUM, YUM. Everyone loved it and wanted more. Did you see Prudence in the first picture well she kept telling me to cook more and more, So I told her to get stiring the dough.
This chubby guy thought he could eat three.
This little girl was a bit fussy, she kept asking for a serviette. "I beg your PARDON" a serviette on a bush picnic. I told her to go and take a dive in the creek to wash it off.
Daniel and Harold were telling her they would go and find a big leaf for her to use. So off they went and found leaves for Blossom and Sissy as well. You know Granny boys just lick their paws, don't they.
We have been for so many hikes and found lizards,
boy did those girls run a mile, especially Blossom.. I was telling them that lizards have been on this earth longer than bears. They couldn't believe that.
Our Bunk beds are great. Sweet Pea and I have teamed up and he is on the bottom and I'm on the top, because I'm older. We will be the best of mates for ever and ever I think.
Must go and have some more fun.
I love you heaps Granny, and I do miss you when it is night when I am in my bunk and think about you.
I don't get much time to think about you though.
Big Hugs
My heart is warm and fuzzy getting all those pictures and a letter from Wilbur, I have been watching the post every day. He did remember me after all.
If I hear more I will let you all know.
Hugs Granny.
You might like to see some of the lake where the bear camp is.
We welcome a great blog for new bear makers. She is sharing some of her tips.
Welcome to "The Crazy Horse Toys, at
She has a horse that is so funny you won't believe.
My thought for the week.
"If exercise will eliminate fat; how in the world
do some women have double chins."