I have had a poor week. but now I'm BETTER !!!!
It was a sad week, you can see how terrible I felt. Some times a bear just feels poorly.
I felt very poorly
I felt very poorly
I am very skinny and I need a feed when I feel better. This is all to get my paws fixed, I am feeling scared.....". Why do I have to be skinny to get my paws fixed Granny"
I was so skinny that my tummy didn't get in the way when I tried to do summersaults.
Just look at my poor paws, after Granny washed all the burnt bits off and said my paws were made of the softest suede. Well they don't look like suede now. "Granny will this hurt"
Does this look scary with all these tools? My, they made me feel very frightened when Granny said she needs to use them all. She did promise to be very careful and not hurt too much.
Well those tools spell HURT to me. I had to shut my eyes.
Granny said I need to be very brave, because all the children in Hospital need to be brave; and if they can find their courage and braveness then I should be able to.
Da Da....... Can you see new very clean paws that are not one bit burnt.
Thanks Granny I will give you big hugs all day.
I can climb trees now.
Look at me
I can swing on clothes lines.....
Even upside down.
Just look at me again, can you see me up on the gate? I can see the world again and I don't have to stay inside and feel board, or hurting any more.
When I was feeling so sore, I had loads of Get Well Wishes, and Love sent to me.
Well this shows what all that love and wishes can do for a bear.
Thanks to all my readers and friends I am now
So plenty of toast and Peanut butter and Honey for supper. I need to fill my tummy out.
See you all next week.
A Warm Welcome to:
Dianne Evans at
Dianne does lovely illustrations.
Jeanette Ann O'Donnell at
My thought for the week.
"Courage in people is like a tea bag
You never know their strength until
they'er in hot water."