Guess what we are making????
Well it is a bowl full of white, wet fluffy stuff. Have you guessed yet?
There is a clue in the picture.
No can't guess well.......
See what I am sitting on. That is all shredded up into a bowl with hot water on it to soak.
Guess yet????
Next Granny gets the mixer out and puts in stuff and mixes it all up.
She was afraid it would set on her cake mixer beaters. But no every thing was OK.
After we squeezed all the water out of the paper, we added that to the bowl as well.
It was a lovely thick whipped cream or peanut butter feel.
I got too close looking into the bowl and got SPLATTERED.
I had to have a very big wash, encase it messed my fur up.
Now I didn't tell you why I was so happy this weekend.. Well it was because Granny's grandaughter
came and had a sleep over. We had extra fun, and Abbey wanted to make hearts.
So we made an extra big one with wire in it, 3 little ones and a little tray over a tub.
We had the best fun patting and smoothing and stirring the;You guessed it PAPER MACH'E
Then we put it out in the sun to dry. It still wasn't dry when it was time to take Abbey home so, she took it home on a tray. Granny said don't paint it until it dry's, probably 4 days.
We stopped to share a green milk shake. It was so good, we had been so busy all morning.
School tomorrow, so I won't see the kids so much now. It will be just Granny and me!!!
Now I need to tell you the most important thing...
Dear Maddyrose was kind enough to give me her recipe. You need to check her sculpting out at . She does the most fabulous sculpting of Santa and elves, plus all kinds of lovely things. So a big thanks you Maddyrose. We thought it was a good thing to try when the kids were here. Granny liked it so much she thinks she will have a try herself one day.
Well we played games, and did drawing , laughed, and had the best time..
Now it is time for real peanut paste on toast ,and a glass of milk before bed.
See you all next week
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