Sunday, August 25, 2013

Home from camp.

How glad was I do get home and give Granny a big hug?

I was so glad to get off that plane, because it takes soooo long to get home. Then at last I was giving Granny the biggest Smooch.

It is cold back here in Australia,  it is winter time. I felt shivery because I had come from such a warm place at camp.

Granny thought she would warm me up by making a hot spicy dip to go on some crackers.
This is what she bought from the market. It tastes good BUT.....
OK I am game if it will warm my tummy. Granny stirred this dry stuff into yogurt and a bit of mayonnaise.
It looks like this. Yes it looks OK.

WHoowa!!!!! hot hot, it would make flames come out of my mouth.
Plus hot come out of some where below????? with a whoosh of wind!!!!!
I'm not cold any more I'm hot stuff.

Nothing is better than to have toast, peanut butter and honey for supper with a warm glass of milk. That Granny made just for me.

She put extra blankets on my bed for me to snuggle into.
I'm snuggling into my little friend Snoozie. I had a story and I'm off to the land of dreams.
See you all next week when I get over this jet lag.

To all my beautiful followers. It is good to be home even the cat is sleeping.
I missed you all while I was away.

My thought for the week.
" Home is not where you live,
but where you are loved."


  1. Hi Wilbur,

    You must have been soooo tired when you finally climbed into Granny's arms. Secure and snuggled into your own bed is wonderful, isn't it?

    Watch out for that southern hot stuff, it can cause a 3 alarm fire in your mouth, honest.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence ♥

  2. Welcome back home, Wilbur... full of sweet and fun memories, a special entry in your adress book under "P" and finally back in Granny's arms. The first two photos are sooooooo sweet... and we're glad you survived your hot meal. But at least it was worth it - you felt warm again and you could enjoy your toast with honey... ;O) Sweet Dreams, dear friend!

    Flutterby + Birgit

  3. Hi Wilbur, I think you probably will want to stick with peanut butter and honey. Wasn't Granny nice though to warm you up with that spicy dip!

    Blossom, Jason, Sweet Pea and Sissy all send their love and hugs. They miss you.

    Now what about this P entry in your phone no. book? :o)

    from all of us
    at HOneypot Lane

  4. Hallo Wilbur,
    schön das du wieder zu Hause bist. Granny hat dich ganz bestimmt sehr vermißt.
    Schlaf schön in deinem Bettchen
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Wow! what an adventure you've been on .... but isn't it nice to be home.

  6. Dearest Kay,
    Glad you're catching up on sleep and all.
    Not easy to go from warm weather back to cold!
    We've done that many times but with some good food and a heavenly bed with rest; you fluff back in no time.
    Thanks for your visits.

  7. Hi Wilbur,

    I'm so glad you had a good time at camp and that you are safely back home. I'm sure Granny must have missed you a lot. I sure did!

    Happy Snoozing! Stay warm under the covers!

    ~ginger & Sebastian too!

  8. Thank you for your nice comment. Interesting post :)

  9. Welcome home Wilbur! Although that might have been an overshare on the dip. Just sayin'...


    The Clan & Jack

  10. Oh this is the sweetest post. It is so nice to see a picture of you and Granny together.

  11. Welcome back Wilbur!
    I love your thought of the day! In Germany we say: Home is not where your adress is, home is where your heart is
    It´s nice to see you and your Granny healthy and happy together again!


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