Sunday, May 20, 2012

Shiver me Timber

Shiver Me Timber,
What is the world coming too.
Fair dinkum, I don't believe what Granny expects me to do.
Just don't look at me!!!!!
I can't wait until I go to camp, and catch frogs and play knuckle bones, and get dirty in the creek.
Not this dress up stuff.
Now Hide your eyes, because here I am as a .......... I can't even say it.
On Saturday, Granny went to the Bears and Friends club, that meets in Goodwood every month. They had a speaker who spoke on Baby rattles and baby toys.
There were beautiful silver ones,
Some were Bakelite, some celluloid, and some plastic.They were all colours and shapes. Some tinkled and some rattled. Some babies suck on.(YUK) 
Then there were Rolly Poly's that played a tinkling music sound.
(Where were the trumpets)
Then one lady had her doll she had when she was a baby, with her christening cards, shoes and a top.
Granny said, "What a treasure".  hmmmm..... hmmmm I can't see any treasure. Where are the pirates.
She was so excited about this picture that she chopped the dolls head off.
Then they had a competition of bears dressed like babies.
This is just a couple, because there were quite a few.
Some of these look ancient.
Now I can cope with this one, although he has a rattle.

Then one of the lovely lady's had a display of her miniatures. Granny went oww arhhhhh over them. (What ever turns you on.)
Now this is a terrible photo, I could have done much better if Granny would let me.
The little giraffe was so perfect. He was tiny, tiny, and made by Lena.
Still counting down to camp. I CAN"T WAIT the way things are going in our house.
Oh to get away from dolls and baby stuff......

I have cooled down now because it is time for toast, peanut butter and honey.
A good book and off to bed.

I love it when we have new followers. 

Welcome to Micnich

Another welcome to Muriel Allison from France.
have a look at her blog it's called The Bears Cottage, and she makes beautiful bears.

A warm welcome to Elena Gingerale from Russia. Have a look at her sire.

Last but not least. Welcome Natalia, who lives in Moscow, she does lovely embroidery.

My thought for the week.
"It is marvellous how the cry of a little baby in the still of the night, evokes wonder.
Usually you wonder which one of you will get up." 


  1. Ой, как захотелось в детство!!! Kays, у Вас очаровательные мишки, они меня вдохновляют!!! А какие они у Вас разговорчивые... Спасибо что отметили меня, мне очень приятно!

  2. Oh my goodness I had to look twice, I thought is it W....R? Very cute though!! (Sorry Wilbur)!!

  3. Замечательные игрушки ,от них веет такой теплотой..Современные игрушки совсем не такие, более агрессивные ,я бы сказала, и по расцветке и по внешнему виду.

  4. such a nice story, such adorable bears and all their friends:) this post really raises one's spririts. thank you Kay:))

  5. Wilbur, is that you? In a girlie dress? Or maybe it's somebeary that looks like you - that's it, a relative maybe.

    When we are at camp you can be your bearself, no dresses, rattles, just frogs, and sticks, and mud. Yuck, but you are a boy and that's what boys like. And, it's okay - bearcause I LIKE YOU!

    Hugs ♥

  6. Don't worry Wilbur! You are looking great and cute and beautiful whatever Granny will give you for dress! Why don't you take it just for a joke ? By the way, the dress you wear is handsome ! Think about how much fun you have when Granny takes you everywhere she goes and that you see and meet nice people and other bears.I send you big hugs and look forward to your next adventure.

  7. Excellent record of the day, Kay - loved that tiny giraffe, too. Don't worry, Wilbur, it'll be your turn next week at the market!
    Hugs, Kayzy

  8. What a fun day! I always enjoy your posts.


  9. Oh man, the ignominy! You give granny a piece of your mind Wilbur, dressing you up in a dress indeed!


    The Clan and Jack

  10. Dear Wilbur,

    thank you so much for your report and the photos! It is fantastic to see all the old toys and to read what you have experienced.

    Have a good start in the new week!


  11. Wilbur I can't believe my eyes! I wish I was there. I would of wore that dress for you cause it wouldn't bother me near so much. My sisters are always putting strange things on me when I take a nap. :o(

    Wilbur we are gonna have so much fun. We can catch bugs and dig in the mud.

    See you soon

    Bear Hugs
    Sweet Pea

  12. Sorry Wilbur... but I can´t stop laughing! On the first photo you look like a very unlucky bride! *rofl*
    I really understand you´re looking forward to camp... rattles dolls and somethings like this is nothing a REAL COOL boy would have...


  13. I always feel like a little kid again when I visit your blog! What precious eye candy there is all over your blog!

  14. Hi Kay .. I was delighted to find your lovely site over at Carolyn's at Draffin Bears and to see that you are another Adelaideian. I'm not a crafty person but I do enjoy taking a peek into your beautiful Bear World.

  15. Ohhhhh Wilbur you are completely transformed. I hardly recognize you. But I think the dress is lovely.
    I also understand that you would love to go to camp. I know I love everything you said you are planning to do. Getting dirty can be so nice he he he.
    I love your mum's pictures very much. I wish I could have join her. I'm hooked to this stuff.

    Have a nice day and I send you a bunch of hugs from Holland,
    Thea xxxx

  16. Yes, that first photo looks like an uncomfortable bear indeed!! Too clean and proper for his own good. I LOVE that last picture of the chicks, bunny and goat, that is beyond precious....


  17. Hi Kay and Wilbur,

    I think you look really pretty in the dress.
    Looks like you had a fun day out with all the old treasures.

    Have a happy week

  18. Dearest Kay and Wilbur..
    Well, first of's me, Abby here.
    Not my Mom. She's busy with those blamed Fairies. She does NOT know what she is getting into..but then again..maybe she does.

    I'm just tiny..I don't tip things over (very often) and I don't wander at night..peeking into other people's little Fairy home..and then saying they never ever left the garden.
    Camp. Well..I might go. I know everyone else is..but ..sometimes I remember how long it seemed..and I got homesick. I did have fun, but I wanted my Mom.
    One more thing..remember how got teased when Mom put me in dolly clothes? Well, I won't tease you. The little dress is lovely but it probably WOULD look better on :):)
    I would look...grrrrrreat..don't you think. And don't you let anyone tell you...wait....are you comfy in it? Hmmmmm???
    HUGS and love from Abigail..

  19. Hay dear Kay,

    You have a lot of fun and
    I am still in love with beautiful Wilbur...
    And Kay..I love his dress..

    Those pictures are amazing!

    Love from Marijke

  20. Those photos remind me of when my two now grown up babies were little. Even my two grand-babies aren't babies any more. Oh dear....someone's getting old. LOL!

    Ali x

  21. Кей очень замечательный рассказ!!!Миниатюры поражают и детские погремушки...сколько красоты!Удачно вам сьездить отдохнуть))))

  22. Hello, Kay, thanks for your blog, it's beautiful !!! Pictures, bears, dolls !! Love your work, and all your blog !!!! excuse me, my english is not perfect !! have a lovely evening !! Hugs from Bordeaux, France !


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