Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Cold Winter Day

Winter day.
That's when Granny sews.
Well, it was too cold to go out and play. Nothing interesting was going on here, so Granny said she needed me to help her sew.
Well I didn't think that it would evolve dressing a Golly that didn't have elastic in her knickers yet. Granny said, to mind her while she went and got some string or elastic." HELP" I don't want them to fall down."
"Lay still Golly we don't want you to be naked!!!".

Golly said it was cold lying on the table," please let me sit up." Well was I game.
OK it is alright nothing dreadful happened.

Thank goodness she has now got her knickers on.
Now as if Granny has got time to play on the pooter. She has a new place she goes, to try and disguised her bad photography. Did you notice the first picture was oval, I think she is getting too fancy. Now just because she is dreaming of sunshine and beach, by magic the sun chairs appear.
See; all this playing around and we still have not finished the dress. No hem, No belt, No ribbon in Gollies hair, no shoe laces. I don't know and Granny does not know where the day goes. I hope she doesn't get grumpy because she said, "by hook or by crook, I have to finish tonight."
This is another Golly that Granny made to match a boy Golly.

She looks a bit surprised. I think I gave her a fright. Her hair is standing on end.
I'm dreaming of warm days for camp. It is getting closer. I have my case now, and I will show it to you soon. I have a bit of FUN planned.

Enough sewing it is time for tea. "Hey, Granny." "I want peanut paste and honey on toast please."
Hmmmm! it was yummy. Nice warm milk with chocolate in just finished it off nicely.

See you all next week. 

Just letting all my followers know that we love hearing from you.
See it was this cold....


"The shortest distance between two people is a smile."


  1. Dear Kay and Wilbur,

    We have the same wet and cold Sunday here too, sending love and hugs and wishing you a great week ahead.


  2. Glad you got your gollies finished with Wilburs help...x

  3. Hi Wilbur,

    Oh, I love your Granny's fancy pictures frames around you & Golly's picture. That looks so cool.

    You had a busy day. Is one of those Golly's for you? Your new brother or sister? Would you rather have a sister or a brother?

    Can't wait to see your new suitcase, I have a new one too. I even started packing, but just a little bit....oh, I can't wait to finally see you in bearson. Giggle.

    Heaps of Hugs ♥

  4. Well imagine leaving that poor golly with no elastic in her knickers! Glad she's more dressed now, but I hope she gets fully dressed soon, fancy being paraded about online in your all together...


    The Clan and Jack

  5. Oh, what a nice story:) It boosted the positive mood of this Sunday;))

  6. Hi Wilbur,
    Granny is good at making and dressing gollies. We like both of these cuties. Did you know it's only 47 more sleeps until we all get to meet up at camp? We think it's taking too long but Mom says if we stay busy the time will go by faster. Keep helping Granny with her sewing and we'll keep busy here and soon we'll all be together.
    Bellamine & Wendy

  7. Doesn't it seem odd that your weather is getting very cold and mine is getting very hot!!
    That's just the way of the world, isn't it Miss Kay???
    Stay warm Kay and Wilbur and friends!!
    Big hug,


  8. Hi Wilbur,
    Your Granny is sure good at making bears and Gollies. Thank bearness her knickers are finished. Getting caught online with knickers fallen down would be beary upsetting.

    Not long till camp now. Mama said for us try not to think about it too much. She said if we keep busy time will go faster. Every night when we say our bedtime prayers Mama said to ask for the time to fly by. Does time have wings??

    Sweet Pea

  9. Ooh, Wilbur - We like your new Golly friends. Are they going to stay with you?
    Hugs from the Critters in the Hills

  10. Кей очень понравилась история!!!Вот помошник так помошник!!!!))))Каждый раз такие истории просто замечательные!Спасибо!


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