Sunday, March 16, 2014

Great things happen at a market.

Hi  Ho every one,
It's market day again.
Well Granny said I got a little bit of a big head
today, because there was a real live photo booth 
there, where there was a real live photographer.
Not like Granny and her little camera.
What do you think?

This is me with the famous photographer.
How do you like all that sparkle.
It felt pretty cool.
They are called 

My favorite little friend always gives me a hug every market day.

       Made friends with cats, Elephants and Giraffe
Owl back packs
and monkey hats.
Then blow me down, Granny found crocodile arm warmers.
I felt as though I was at a zoo. Those arm warmers would be good in the winter, especially where Prudence lives in America when they have lots of snow.
The mad Hatters top hat and fob watches,
I couldn't get out of having to try on a neck lace. Granny thinks its pretty.
I thought this tea cosy would be just right for when Granny has her friends for afternoon tea. It is so pretty.

Hu Hummmmm... I even got to be a barrister. I could pull the leavers and out would hisssss steam and coffee and I tried to make a heart on the top of the froth.

Oh well its a hard life and when we got home Granny said I needed a bath....
I only like going in water when I go swimming.
What was bought today?
Yes you have to guess.
Bath Salts
Well I am so relaxed after my bath and honey and peanut paste on toast, I'm sure I will nod off as soon as I hit the pillow.

See you all next week.

All new friends and followers are welcome and we love having you stop by.

Welcome Anthony from Crown critters. He makes the most beautiful realistic bears, with great sculpting.

Welcome Natali. Natali makes lovely Easter baskets and art.

My thought for the week.

"A Diplomat is someone who thinks twice before saying nothing."


  1. After yucky love letters, this is so much better Wilbur. Looks like you had a whale of a time - though come to think of it I didn't see any whales. Those crocodile arm warmers would swallow us, gulp.


    Jock and Zeke

  2. Hi Wilbur,

    Oh, those arms warmers look so cozy, I could use two sets, arms and legs. Wonder if they would fit over Vlad's wings?

    You had a busy day and so many bee-u-tee-ful things to see and touch. Be beary careful of that caffeine though, it makes you crazy hyper (it does for me).

    Hugs to Granny.

    Heaps of Hugs,
    Prudence ♥

  3. Another great day at a Market for you, Wilbur - and we aren't surprised everybody wants pictures taken with you, Australia's most lovely bear! Those crocodile arm warmers were stunning and that tea cozy very pretty - so it's really hard that your Granny had to buy Bath Salts. Well, at least you're now the best smelling Australian bear, too... ;O)

    Flutterby + Birgit

  4. The photographer has a chic photo booth! And you made coffee, how great :-)!!!

  5. Dearest Kay,
    Quite a story filled with adventures!
    Loved the special photos and also the quote at the very end.
    Hugs to you,

  6. Hi Kay,

    You and Wilbur looked like you had a fun day at the market and I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos.
    Yes, the quote at the end is so true.
    Happy new week

  7. Hi Kay,

    In eerste instantie wil ik je bedanken voor je lieve reactie op mijn blog. Nu wil ik mijzelf al een paar dagen op jou site aanmelden als volger maar telkens krijg ik te lezen dat het op dit moment niet mogelijk is.
    Waarschijnlijk is Blogger weer iets aan het veranderen, maar zodra het weer mogelijk is meld ik mij aan als volger.

    Wat maak jij PRACHTIGE beren, ik heb al een paar keer je blog uitgebreid bekeken en heb genoten van wat ik allemaal tegen kwam, zo mooi!!!

    Hoop dat Google deze tekst een beetje goed kan vertalen want mijn Engels is heel slecht, vandaar dat ik het gewoon in het Nederlands schrijf, sorry.......

    Wens je een fijne week toe,


  8. Wow! Wilbur I love those crocodile arm warmers ... that's just what I need for chilly winter mornings when I'm tap-tapping away on my computer.
    If you have time I'd love a coffee with a pretty heart on top .... just send it by expresso mail. xx

  9. What an adorable story. YOu have had quite an adventure! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I think you make a marvelous barrister!

  10. It looks like you´ve had a lot of fun at the market again. Lucky you... so many animals and wonderful things

  11. Oh Gosh Wilbur - Love your new Blingie PiX! Loved seeing all your friends and goodies - Those Crocodile Arm Warmers are AwesomeMosT!!! ~ LuV, TiGGy


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